Each year Success on the Spectrum or SOS holds an autism festival free of charge for autism families in the community. Here autistic children and their families can come out for a day of fun in a...
The Franchise Ticker Interviews founder of sos
https://youtu.be/YLHyN0U8sO4 She just wanted a better life for her child. She ended up created a national franchise to help build better lives for children across the country. Meet Nichole Daher,...
SOS Continued Autism treatment during Covid-19 lockdown
The staff at Success on the Spectrum went to great measures to protect its clients, the children, from Covid-19. The high standard measures taken, continue to be practiced and enforced in an...
Autism Assistant Interviews Founder of Success On The Spectrum
https://youtu.be/qt9wsMjIbEQ https://autismassistant.com/blog/216/success-on-the-spectrum We sat down with Nichole Daher from Success on the Spectrum for our fourth installment of our featured...
SOS founder talks about Autism on Facebook Live
https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=314&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fjimmy.harvuni%2Fvideos%2F326217551573696%2F&show_text=false&width=560 HARVUNI J STUDIOS IS A...
SOS on FoxNews