In July 2024, Houstonian Nichole Daher was awarded the Houston Humanitarian Award for founding the first Autism treatment franchise in the country. The Annual...
Nichole Daher, the founder
In the bustling streets of entrepreneurship, where passion, purpose, and profit intersect, one name stands out: Nichole Daher. In 2014, Nichole Daher became the step mother of an autistic child....
Common Mistakes When Dealing With Behavior
You have to determine what is behavior and what is disability.Treat the child as typically developing so general outbursts can be ignored likeshouting and crying but severe inappropriate behaviors...
These tips can help your child make progress with toilet training: Modern diapers do not let the sensations feel as they absorb. Try washable reusabletraining underpants or underpants with a...
Importance of Maintaining a consistent schedule
Routines can be the backbone of day-to-day life for anyone and particularlytrue for children with autism. Creating a consistent daily schedule isessential for children with ASD to thrive and cope in...
Houston’s Autism Prom 2021
Mental Health After Covid-19
Children with Autism are known to struggle with change and have difficulty interacting with others. In addition, 20% of people with autism spectrum disorders are also found to have anxiety and 11%...
The Franchise Ticker Interviews founder of sos She just wanted a better life for her child. She ended up created a national franchise to help build better lives for children across the country. Meet Nichole Daher,...
In the 1970s, few people knew what autism was, so parents of children with Autistm began public education campaigns. During this time, Autism was presented as a disease that needed to be cured....
Take a Virtual tour of one of our Centers
When you take a virtual tour at Success On The Spectrum, you can immediately see the quality. SOS centers are purpose built to suit the needs of a learning child with Autism. When considering...